Note: Spikesicle and Corrupted Aether almost go off at the same time so you must do both mechanics fastĮarth Breath- One DPS and one Healer will be marked. Hellfire - Stack together while standing on a water puddle Judgment Bolt- Stack together to avoid paralysis and avoid standing on a water puddle Random Corrupted Aether Attack - Judgment Bolt or Hellfire After the first Akh Rhai laser shows, everyone avoid that area. Everyone spread out on Akh Morn to lessen Akh Rhai damage to only one person. Akh Rhai is a multiple AOE laser attack on the location of the random player it was placed on. MT can use invulnerability skill alone or the other tank can stack and share damage. Shield and heal as necessaryĪkh Morn + Akh Rhai- Akh Morn is heavy damage on main tank. Don't stack and spread out to avoid clipping one another Hypernova- Stack in water puddle and share AOE Tail Slap - Tail will appear and attack on where it was baited. Look back after the summon cast to see the safe spots and dodge accordingly Summon Icicle / Spikesicle- Three icicles will attack from behind in a straight line AOE. That said, the front and middle platforms must not be removed throughout the three Tail Slams in the phase AT ALL COSTS to avoid a wipe
If a cracked platform is attacked, it will be removed. if marker is placed on rear west, Tail will attack both rear west AND rear middle. That said, healer must move to a non-cracked platform and bait it there. Where that healer is when the marker disappears is where the tail will attack. Tail Slam (Healer) - Green marker on random healer. When the chains are gone, run towards the water animation before Tidal Wave finishes casting to avoid falling off the arena. You can use anti-knockback skills here When the chain animation disappears, put some distance between you and your partner to remove the chains (e.g. Stack together first in front of Shinryu. Kill it ASAP or else it will cause huge AOE damageĮarthen Fury- Raid-wide AOE that will also take out both the mid left and mid right platformsīurning Chains + Tidal Wave - Red chain markers on everyone. The Worm's Heart- Another target other than Shinryu that will spawn every now and then throughout the whole phase. V1.MECHANICS & ROTATION PHASE 1 (100-44%) Auto-attack - Highest aggro and off-tank (even if not 2nd on aggro list) will constantly eat lasers

V1.6: new patterns, minor graphical updates Visual updates (floor patterns + effects). V2.0: new arena and hitboxes modelled to scale with the game. including dynamo/chariot, there's over 100 more variants now. You can practice identifying this flare by pressing spacebar to highlight it in green. Look for this flare and move into it after the first blast. Otherwise: the game designates at least one flare as "safe" by ensuring the other flares don't point to it. Just be wary of potential lost uptime using this strat. I am but a simple stream viewer/savage player but let me know if this helps.įeedback is welcome - I'm still updating with new patterns and bug fixes when I can.īraindead strategy is to move into the south flare marker after its initial hit, then south again after the second blasts. Helper tool for people progging the new FFXIV Ultimate. Spacebar: toggles display of "safe" flare