#Free ntouch full
Failure to load a valid ticket before boarding the train may result in you being liable to pay the full single or return fare, or a penalty fare or prosecution. Before you board a train you are required to have a smartcard with a ticket loaded valid for the train you intend to use and for the journey you intend to make.This must be surrendered if the Season Ticket is no longer required. Annual Season Ticket holders using smartcards whose origin and/or destination station is within the Gold Card or Devon and Cornwall Railcard area will be issued with a paper Gold Record Card separately.Tickets stored on a smartcard are subject to normal refund rules in accordance with the National Rail Conditions of Travel.

Further details and a copy of these conditions are available at GWR.com or from any staffed ticket office. Any ticket stored on a smartcard is issued subject to the National Rail Conditions of Travel and the Railway Bylaws.If the card is no longer required it may be cancelled to prevent any further use.The user may be liable for a penalty fare or prosecution if you give your smartcard to any other person for their use. The smartcard is not transferable, and it is an offence to give your smartcard to any other person for their use.A member of staff may inspect the smartcard at any time and you must show it to them on request.We reserve the right to withdraw it at any time. Your smartcard is issued free of charge and remains the property of GWR. Your Great Western Railway (“GWR”) smartcard is issued subject to the following Terms and Conditions.